Sunday, 13 April 2008

Here is a stat for you!

70000 yes 70000 deaths in the UK in the last year could have been avoided by having a healthier diet!!!!!!

That is staggering isn't it? 

I'm going to have a guess that you don't want to be one of those in next years review? 


Contact me and i'll give you a diet for FREE!

Weight loss guaranteed and you WILL feel healthier, more full of energy and be buzzing off the wall!

Friday, 11 April 2008

Six reasons why your training isn't going well and what you should do about it!!

Do you know that feeling when you have been training for weeks, months even years and just aren't seeing those results anymore? Well here are six reasons why that could be the case…

Reason 1:
You just not training hard enough!
Here’s the deal, the body adapts; in fact it adapts extremely quickly – on average it takes around twelve weeks for average Joe Blog to adapt to any particular fitness regime. Think back to the first time you set foot in a gym… Remember it? The reason you gained results so quickly was because you were learning a new skill, your body is shocked into action, getting stronger and fitter. Your body adapts to what you're doing and the results begin to plateau. Typically in a gym you'd be told to change your routine use a couple of alternative machines and just get on with it (e.g. use the rowing machine instead of the treadmill, you know that sort of thing.) You see in a gym it is very rare to hear the one change that will really deliver results because they are just to dam scared to tell you. That piece of advice? TRAIN HARDER. If you train in a gym, learn how to lift heavier weights, learn more advanced techniques from a Reps qualified trainer. You could try more intense cardio training, try intervals they burn calories faster so less time on the treadmill, BONUS! You could try timing your sets. Try doing as many quality reps as you can in a minute, then next time try to beat it!

Reason 2:
You are training too much.

On the other hand there are a few people out there that train too dam much!  (One of my old clients from a gym I used to work out fell into this category). It’s called OVERTRAINING. Your more likely to suffer injuries, feel fatigued all the time, you wont be able to train hard and usually people get ill because their immune system cant take it! The best way to see if you are overtraining is a simple one - if you feel rough all the time and you're training a lot then you are probably overdoing it! Take a week off; rest, do yoga go for walks, anything that is not going to push your body. Then plan your next training cycle; start off light, start up again with 15 reps and above. Then build up gradually over twelve weeks; during the last few weeks, push hard to break those personal bests then chill for a week and start over again. Your body will thank you for the time out and you're getting fitter to boot. You won’t end up ill and also you wont hit a wall. Believe me I have been there and done it and it is the most frustrating thing ever!

Reason 3:
You don't get enough sleep.
I love sleep; I could do it all day. Sleep is the only time the body can repair itself, grow and recuperate. Good quality sleep is so so important. You need at least eight hours. Here's something Napping has also been proven to be beneficial for recovery and concentration. Perfect excuse to wheel out next time you're stuck in a Powerpoint presentation about the new marketing campaign!

Reason 4:
You eat before you sleep.

This is a controversial one. Eating in the evening could be the reason you don't see any gains in the gym. I want to be more specific about this one though. Eating foods high in carbohydrates in the evening could be sabotaging your gains in the gym. You see, at night you're going to be resting and sleeping. If your shovelling food into your mouth in the evening your more likely to store the surplus calories, the human body is amazingly efficient at storing surplus calories and its really good at storing fat. Give it a HUGE surplus in the evenings by eating too much and your giving it no reason to rid itself of those fat stores.

Reason 5:
You don't eat before you sleep.
I can hear you say huh? Yes this contradicts the reason above but let me explain it and you will see where i'm coming from. Eating a small meal based on protein in the evening will give your body the amino acid building blocks that your body needs to repair and recharge at night. You may not need to be as dedicated as bodybuilders who notoriously wake in the middle of the night to glug down a protein shake but ensuring you have enough protein in your evening meal will suffice to help rebuild and restore your muscles from your hard training.

Reason 6:

You just don't want it badly enough.
I get asked this all the time; will you get me results? My honest and surprising answer is that no, I wont. You will get the results, with my guidance and expertise. The reason why is that I can train you into the ground, fulfil all your training needs, plan a fantastic training programme for the next 12 weeks. The part I can’t control is when you are not in direct sight of me. In a session with me, one session, you could burn around 800 calories...but then ruin it all by having a mocha-choca-frappa-thingy, filled with fat, sugar and e-numbers. Unfortunately exercise and training takes time and effort; eating a chocolate bar does not. Its simple to negate the benefits; you may put a lot of effort into your training, put equal effort into improving your diet, stress levels and general well being for the ultimate results. I can give you all the support, I can put as many systems in place so that we reduce your chance of slipping up but if you put those extra unnecessary calories in your body your back to square one. I can only tell you the negatives of doing it but you have to commit yourself and front up!


Thank you for reading this, any questions just email me: Look forward to hearing from you.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

10 Tips To Losing Weight- Simple Honest advice...

1. Eat a Breakfast that’s right for your metabolic type.

Protein and fat for you protein types. Scrambled eggs and a few sausage. Carbo types head down the home made muesli  road with goats milk!

2. Eat more!

Three smaller meals and 3 healthy snacks. But what do you serve during the footy on a Saturday afternoon? Mixed unsalted nuts—especially almonds—they will satisfy your craving for something crunchy and they help to build muscle! Bonus! Chips just give you that gut that’s spilling over your trousers…

3. Just say no to starches.

Foods like pasta, white bread, and potatoes make you fat they are converted to sugar and that means you store your fat. If you must have pasta, make yours whole-wheat. As for bread go granary, and swap white potatoes for sweet potatoes they taste better anyway. Control your portion tho!

4. Lift weights.

You have to hit the gym, and no, lifting beer cans during happy hour doesn't count. The muscles you build will not only improve your performance in your sport, they'll rev up your metabolism meaning you burn calories long after your workout is over. Ladies you have to do this too, you wont get butch, you’ll get lean and toned. DO IT!

5. Think before you eat.

Ask yourself, “do I actually need this” more common than not the answer to that is no, especially when it’s a hydrogenated fat laden brownie that will give you mushroom tops over your jeans.

6. Have a cheat day once in a while—or once a week.

Get rid of those cravings by allowing yourself a treat otherwise you might fall off your new plan forever. Allow yourself two slices of pizza take away but just order one thing not lots.

7. Lower Your Carb Intake

The easiest way to drop weight fats is to control your carbs. The cravings are hard at first, but it gets easier—especially when you see the results. You can still eat your fruit and veg but just cut out the pasta and rice.

8. Do Some Basic Interval Training

It's easier to alternate between hard and easy running instead of going for a long run—especially if you don't like running. Plus, you'll be done faster and burn more fat. Hit the treadmill/bike/ XTrainer for 20 mins 1 min hard one min easy.

9. Never, ever drink sweetened soft drinks. 

But go ahead, have a glass of wine now and then. Lower carb beer is ok if you must but only 4 pints a week! Save them up if you have to. Soft drink contain chemicals that should not be in your body, treat it well and it will last, put those chemicals in and expect the worst.

10. Don’t fear fat you need it

It makes you feel full, helps control your appetite, and your body needs it. Your whole nervous system is made from the stuff, that includes your brain!!!

Feel free to contact me if you want any further knowledge on nutrition, always willing to listen. or email me on

Have a good one!!