Monday 25 February 2013

3 Steps to Getting Your Girl to Train

This article is written by Joy Victoria, giving males out there a few tips on how to get their other half training, without acting like a tosser!
'Every guy wants a sexy, confident, in-shape woman on his arm. If you want to help your girlfriend or wife effectively change her body but don't know where to start, then look no further.
Step one is knowing what you're up against. Virtually everything ever written in mainstream media about exercising "for women" sticks them in the cardio room with ankle weights, ready to pump-n-tone.
This can lead to considerable conflict for your lady, especially on day one when you usher her towards the scary squat rack and start adding weight. So since we're dealing with women, let's start with these "emotional" considerations.

1. Make a plan and be supportive

Good support is a blend of the practical and emotional. At first it will be hard for your gal to commit to training and create the habit, so set her up for long term success by helping take care of the practical considerations.
She'll need a plan to make it a reality time-wise, schedule-wise, and money-wise. Make your support as visceral as possible and reduce the number of "excuses" available.
The nice thing is, by doing this you'll also be letting her know you care about her and her happiness and what taking care of her body will do for her. Both bases of support will be covered.


  • Sit down with her and find the time to work out. Schedule it in and keep that time sacred. Time is the biggest excuse – don't let her use it.
  • Buy her a gym membership, a new gym bag, or a gift certificate for some workout clothes. It's part of the investment; investment enhances commitment.
  • Go with her to the gym and lift together, or suggest ways to find a lifting partner. This is important especially in the beginning when she doesn't know what she's doing.


  • Tell her to start working out, but not help with a plan.
  • Leave her to figure out form for the lifts and how to structure her workouts.
  • Get impatient with what she doesn't know. Teach her.
The aim is to make this a lifestyle change. The gym is already a part of your life – you have a gym bag, you dedicate time before or after work, and you reap the benefits.
Make it a part of her life too. Having someone alongside supporting us makes us all warm and fuzzy inside, and makes you look like a big, bad knight in shining armour.'
For the rest of this article written by Joy Victoria just click and read!

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